10 lords a leaping

Seasons greetings,
Again I am really struggling to find something to write about that involves the title, so hear goes!
I am going to write about my top 10 favourite smells that make me LEAP with joy when I smell them! (See what I did there!)
In no particular order.......
1. I absolutely love the smell of spices like cinnamon and ginger- so good!
2. The Christmas Lush bath bombs- they smell so nice and always look so pretty!
3. Hot chocolate, when it reaches November I start putting cinnamon and ginger in my hot chocolate and it makes it taste and smell so Christmasy!
4. Christmas trees! We have a fake one so I never get to smell it in my house. But when we go somewhere else that has a real Christmas tree I just love to smell it!
5. Christmas decorations boxes! This one is really weird and I wouldn't say that it smells that good. It just has a really musky scent that tells me that Christmas is nearly here because the decorations will be up soon!
6. Snow, it has such a fresh cold smell. I don't really know how to describe it. It's like water but really cold (obviously!)
7. Christmas cake, it just has a really Christmasy smell!
8. Wood for the fire. It has a nice woody smell that just screams out "winter"  just put your nose to a freshly chopped log and have a sniff!
9. Candles. Oh I just love candles! And Christmas scented candles are just the best!
10. Christmas dinner; turkey, roast potatoes, parsnip, sprouts, pigs in blankets. The list could go on and on and on! It reminds me of Christmas because of course you eat it every year and it is a tradition!


  1. Beautiful smells are one of life's simple but profound pleasures! I love the smell of Bergamot, and basil. That first smell you get when you open a new packet of coffee. Dusty old books have an exquisite aroma all of their own! xox :-)

    1. oooh those smells are good! I must write about the other non-christmasy smells i like as well! x


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